Saturday, October 22, 2011

Introduction Paragraph

Introduction Paragraph:

       Homes made of mud, with very limited room and crowded is what its like to live in a slum. It is very small and cause many problems. No space, Human waste, trash found everywhere are just some things you will find in a slum, you can also find children everywhere because there parents can not afford for school, and no toys to play with. Living in a slum can be extremly dangerous but sad for many people because, there is human waste found everywhere, rivers carry sewage and chemicals causing pollution, and kids not having toys to play with or schools to attend.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Outline & Thesis Statement

Thesis Statement: Living in a slum can be extremly dangerous but sad for many people because, there is human waste found everywhere, rivers carry sewage and chemicals causing pollution, kids do not have toys to play with or schools to attend.


   I.   Many humans do not have a problem living in slums because they have being living there for a real long time and so has there relatives, and they are now used to living in such a crowded space.

     A. Homes made of mud, are what a slum is, it is very small and can cause many problems.

     B. No space, human waste, trash found everywhere are just some things you will find in a slum, also...

     C. Living in a slum can be extremly dangerous but sad for many people because...

     D. Human waste is one of the biggest problems of living in a slum because...

 II. Human waste is found almost everywhere you look, insides homes, outside, and in the streets...

     A. Sanitation systems are nearly absent in a slum...

     B. "Flying Toilets" are what people call them not only visitors but those who live there as well.

          i. "Human waste leaches into the water people drink and contaminates the food they eat."
          ii. People who live in slums are drinking water that has there waste which can become a problem because...

       C. This quote is trying to say that, not only is it foud verywhere but it comes out where they drink water from.

       D. Another problem that can be found in a slum is rivers carrying sewage and chemicals...

    III. Rivers carrying sewage and chemicals are also problems found in slums.

          A. Chemicals and sewage running through rivers is a problems because many people use the rivers to shower and...

          B. Many people that live in slums have gotten diaseases because they are drinking from that water...

           i. "river carries not just sewage, but also chemicals from farming estates..."

           ii. rivers carry chemicals that farmers use which can be dangerous and cause some sort of problem when t come to there health...

          C. This quote is trying to say that not just sewage does a river carry but chemicals that farmers use that can cause many problems...

          D. Children not having any Schools to attend or toys to play with is a problem you have for living in a slum.

          IV. Many children have to stay home all day because they don'y have the money to attend any schools or go to a store a buy a toy...

         A. This can be a problem because when they grow up they will not learn anything and they are not able to lear anyting at home because there parents probably did not attend school as well....

        B. Children will not having anything to do all day because they do not have the money to buy toys to play with or entertain themselves with anything else.

        C. "They make toys out of simple objectst: A string of audiotape tied to a stick..."

        D. Human waste found everywhere, rivers carrying sewage and chemicals, and children have no toys to play with or schools to attend to schools are problems of living in a slum.

       V. Having to drink water with human waste and no schools to attend are some problems that you will find in a slum...

       A. Homes made of mud, are what a slum is, it is very small and can cause many problems.

      B. Living in a slum can be extremly dangerous but sad for many people because, there is human waste found everywhere, rivers carry sewage and chemicals causing pollution, kids do not have toys to play with or schools to attend.

      C. Human waste, sewage and chemicals running through rivers, and children having no toys to play with or school to attend are some problems that you have for living in a very crowded are named a slum.

    D. Many of the people that live in slums would love to live somewhere else, and actually have an oppurtunity in this life to make our world a better place but with people not caring they will never have the chance.